maandag 23 november 2009

Alles en Niets / Tout et Rien



Both in my desirous hands.


Everything equals too much. When there's nothing left to desire, you will enter a permanent state of decadence, which will eventually kill you either physically or mentally or both. Therefore, when everything equals too much, everything equals sadness and misfortune.


My love for you feels like everything I will ever need.


My life is continuously divided by the following discrepancy, keeping mostly in mind the positive connotation given to the word by people:

Losing everything
Having nothing to lose


Is this true? When I lose you, if I lose you, will I be as neutral as if I had never met you? The obvious answer is that you will definitely FEEL worse, and that begs an altogether different and more important question. Can you separate feeling something and being something? Could it be that you feel worse but that in fact you're BEING as if nothing had ever happened? If that is true, then the ancient rational vs. emotional issue is of much more importance than I had ever imagined.


It is only in nothing that we search for all.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. "When there's nothing left to desire, you will enter a permanent state of decadence."

    (Perhaps) That's why gods are always bound to fall.

  2. If even gods act from personal desires it's time to adapt my personal goal of nonegoism.

    Anyway, interesting thought.
